Holon, Israel
City: Holon
Country: Israel
Population: 190,000
City was founded in: 1935
Became a Dayton Sister City in: 1998
Brief Description
This central city, once known primarily for its large industrial zone, has reinvented itself as a culture and design center. In the past 20 years, Holon has rebranded itself as the Children’s City, a plan that has spurred numerous developments in the city in education, culture and leisure. The city’s infrastructure has been upgraded, educational institutions renovated and modernized, neighborhood facilities improved, and several new neighborhoods built. Jewish settlement in the region, then dubbed “the sands of the south,” began in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Several private individuals, as well as association and company representatives, purchased land in the region and settled it. During the 1950s, Holon welcomed tens of thousands of new immigrants from various countries. The immigrants began to populate neighborhoods built throughout the city, and Holon continued to develop at a rapid rate. Today, Holon’s vision includes nurturing future generations, the community and engagement. The city also aims to emphasize the mental and physical wellbeing of its residents and cares for creating a high quality, aesthetic and green environment for living.
Useful Links
City of Holon:
The Story Gardens:
The Israel Children’s Museum:
Mediatheque Cultural Center:
The Israeli Cartoon Museum:
Holon Institute of Technology:
Commerce and Industry Administration:
Flag of Israel
City Seal/Coat of Arms of Holon